Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Change In Your Pocket

I could sit here and lecture you about change. However, I'm not going to do that. Everyone has heard the same old speeches; 'change is scary,' or ' when one door closes another opens,' and blah blah blah. I am also not going to try to convince you that all change is good. In fact, change can be very bad. ( I can't wait for the optimists to attack me for that one.)

Do you really want to know what change is? Change is change. It is a redundant but true statement. Change is a new direction or different path; a path that can lead anywhere. One of the most important things about change is that you are in control. A change occurs and you control its outcome. You have the power to decide whether or not that change will be negative or positive.

When life gives you lemons will you take the time and effort to gather a pitcher, some ice, sugar, juice them and make lemonade? Will you take the time and put in the work needed to turn sour lemons into delicious lemonade? Or, will you just sit around and complain, or wait for someone else to come by and make lemonade for you?

The choice is entirely your own. The work you put into it is entirely your own. Besides, accomplishing a difficult task on your own through hard work and perseverance makes the reward taste sweeter.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My Motivation

I have to because they said I couldn't. I have to because they screamed and yelled at me and shouted in my face that I couldn't do it. I have to because I need it. I have to because you need it. I cannot give up. I will not give up. I must push forward and fight and claw my way up. I will do whatever it takes without sacrificing my integrity. I have to do it because you believe in me. I have to do it because I believe in myself.

I will not fail because I work harder, faster and better than anyone else. I will not fail because I have the drive and determination to succeed. I have the skills I need and I have the know how to gain more in order to be successful.

I have to because you doubted me. You called me crazy. You said my ideas were outlandish and my dreams unobtainable.

I will prove you wrong and further prove myself right. I have to do this because he can't anymore. I have to do this because after all the times I should have died, I am still here. I have to do this for me. I can do this because whatever power is out there, whatever you believe in has given me the strength to do it. I will do this simply because I can. I have to...