While I gear
up and prepare for my upcoming trip to Southeast Asia a question keeps popping
into my head; do I want this lifestyle?
I have
always loved traveling and consider myself to be an avid adventurer, but this
time it’s different. This time won’t be for work and there is no mission to
accomplish. The only goal I will have on this trip is to have fun and explore
as many places as I can. This makes me
nervous because this trip is actually a test trip.
A term kept
appearing all over the internet as I scoured travel blog after travel blog
searching for helpful tips and inspiration. The term I kept seeing was: Digital
Nomad. What did this mean and why were people referring to themselves as this?
Most of the people I have come into contact with have left pretty successful
big business jobs and have transitioned to working strictly online. They write,
and edit, and run successful travel blogs with the help of advertising to help
fund their trips. They are all Digital Nomads or travelers who fund their adventures through 60-90 hour work weeks hunched over their laptops working tirelessly to
keep their nomadic lifestyle dreams afloat.
I have
always been a big proponent of forgoing the status quo of living a normal life consisting
of investing hours upon hours of your life working some corporate job to fill
some house you can’t afford with things you don’t need. I myself gave up a
promising career in medicine for the Hollywood lifestyle. A decision I do not
regret at all. I have had the opportunity to be a part of some really great
projects and meet people whom a few years ago I had only known from television.
I am still
involved with the industry and still hope to continue my involvement while I
test the waters of this new Digital Nomad lifestyle. One of the biggest reasons
for becoming involved in the industry was to travel and touch as many lives
around the world as I could. Plus, I love being able to be goofy and express
myself through many mediums including writing and comedy.
I know I
will have to give up more than I have in the past, and make many more
sacrifices along the way. This is what scares me the most. Saying goodbye to
family and friends and heading out into the unknown with no destination in
mind. I’ll be living solely off of savings and the money I make from writing,
and advertising from the other websites I plan on launching in the future as
well as occasional acting gigs that I get here and there.
I’m still not sure if this is the right choice but hey, a life lived without taking any risks is not really a life lived is it?
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